Quick Details
Currently we don’t have an Islamic Museum in Britain and therefore we started our own one!
With Ramadan and Eid coming up stop doing the same annual event at your work place – This is what Ramadan is.. This is what Eid is…How times will you keep doing them? Its time to shake up these events up with something completely new!
Booking the Muslim Mobile Museum for Ramadan, Eid, November’s Islamophobia Awareness Month or May’s International Muslim History Month is a great idea to raise awareness and promote understanding of Muslim culture and heritage of Britain. We would consider libraries, art galleries, museums, schools and even work settings.
Guided tours led by knowledgeable experts who can engage with visitors, provide historical context, and answer questions about the artifacts. Customise the tours for different age groups and interests.
In addition to guided tours, presentations that delve into specific topics related to the artifacts. These are interactive, providing a deeper understanding of the culture and history represented in Britain.
To ensure a successful event, here are some steps you can take:
- Contact your fellow staff or team via email as instructed and provide details about the event, such as the type of event, date, and audience.
- Plan Your Event: Once we have confirmed the booking, start planning the logistics of your event. Consider the following:
- Venue: Choose a suitable location for the museum display and presentation. Ensure that it can accommodate your expected audience comfortably.
- Promotion: Promote your event well in advance to attract a diverse audience. Utilise social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels.
- Schedule: Create a detailed schedule for the event, including the timing of guided tours, the presentation by AbdulMaalik Tailor, and any other activities or speakers you plan to include.
- Collaborate with AbdulMaalik Tailor: Coordinate with AbdulMaalik Tailor to ensure his presentation aligns with the theme and objectives of your event. Provide any necessary information or materials he may need for his timeline presentation.
- Display Setup: Ensure that the venue is set up appropriately to showcase the museum’s collection. This may include arranging display tables, lighting, and information signage.
- Guided Tours: Coordinate with us to schedule guided tours of the objects.
- Q&A Session: Allocate time for a Q&A session after AbdulMaalik Tailor’s presentation, allowing the audience to engage and ask questions about Muslim cultural connections to Britain.
- Evaluation: After the event, collect feedback from attendees to assess its success and identify areas for improvement.
- Documentation: Capture photos and videos during the event to create promotional materials for future awareness campaigns or events.
By following these steps and working closely with the Muslim Mobile Museum and AbdulMaalik Tailor, you can create a memorable and educational experience for your audience during Ramadan, Eid or Islamophobia Awareness Month.
If you have any items that are Islamic magazines, Mosque letters, old Mosque prayer time calendars, Muslim directory, audio and video Islamic tapes, please do not throw the items away! Happy to take them from you!
Item Request: We are searching for the 1980s Glorious Quran cassette set in English with the translation by Marmaduke Pickthall. Please let us know if you have this set available!