Quick Details
Ages 16+
£ 35
Ages 8 - 15
£ 16
Ages 7 and under
Two adults and two children
£ 100
Explore the Legacy of the Ottomans
The newly established Ottomans in Britain tour was created after much research about a time when the Turkish series Ertugrul captivated the Muslims from around the world.
Without a doubt, the Ottomans were the longest Caliphate, lasting more than 600 years. During this time, many accomplishments were made that brought it to be recognized by Britain as a powerful entity, and ally at times.
On this tour, we will explore a legacy of the Ottomans with Britain drawing upon the connections that include retracing Yusuf Agah Effendi in 1793, objects such as an Ottoman cannon, a stolen Chelengk, and a painting, and discover who was the most important Ottoman to visit Britain in the 1800s.
- A morning or afternoon tour
- Ottoman visits including the forgotten but spectacular one in the 1800s
- Gifts from Sultans
- Stolen Ottoman heritage
- Gallery
- Battle
- Visual aids are used
The walking tour meet-up location: Tea House Theatre, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, 139 Vauxhall Walk, Vauxhall, London SE11 5HL.
- Plan your journey in advance at www.tfl.gov.uk
- Closet Mosque to meet-up location: Vauxhall Negashi Centre, 283-291 Wandsworth Rd, London SW8 2ND. Includes female prayer space.
- Mosque telephone number 020 7720 2508
The Ottomans are back!
Described as “being much better than tours in Istanbul” by a repeat traveller to Istanbul.