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AbdulMaalik Tailor is interviewed by Al Jazeera as Halal travel expert
2nd Feb 2025
Our founder, AbdulMaalik Tailor was interviewed by Al Jazeera News for his views about the Niche to mainstream: Evolution of Halal Tourism in globel travel industry Click title to read
Blog: How to Know Prayer Timings While Traveling? Best Guide for Muslim Travelers By Rafia Tahir.
Aug 2024
The five daily prayers, or Salah, are an integral part of Islam’s belief system. They are the second pillar of faith behind Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah (SWT). Muslims cannot delay or miss prayer unless there is a valid reason.
We know from the life of the Prophet (SAWW) that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) and his companions (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) used to offer prayer even when they were on a journey or facing an army on the battlefield. It is necessary to maintain punctuality when praying Salah, even while traveling.
Importance of Regularity in Salah
Salah was made compulsory after the Prophet (SAWW) went on a Night Journey (al-Isra) and Ascended (al-Miraj) to heaven. The word Salah appears 83 times in the Quran underlying its significance, such as in the following verse from Surah al-Baqarah:
“Be wakeful of your service of prayer, and the midmost service; and honour God by standing before Him in devotion.” [2:238]
The companions (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) of the Holy Prophet (SAWW) frequently asked him about the best deeds they could do to gain Allah’s (SWT) favour and he used to have one answer; Salah at its proper time. Umm Farwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهَا) narrates the following tradition:
“The Prophet was asked: ‘Which deed is the best?’ So he said: ‘Salat in the beginning of its time.'” [Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol, 1, Book 2, Hadith 170]
You can click here and find out the prayer timings for any city. You can even type in the precise longitudes and latitudes and any date of your choice to see when each prayer will be prayed in that area. This way, you can find the prayer timings well before you reach the place.
Ways to Know Prayer Timings During Travel
Maintaining regularity in prayer can be difficult while traveling. In the time of the Prophet (SAW), traveling was done on foot or camelback. Each journey could take a few days to several months, depending on the distance. This is why travellers are given leeway to pray shortened prayers, also known as Qasr.
While travellers can shorten their prayers, they must offer all five prayers at prescribed times. Here are some ways you can keep track of prayer timings yourself while traveling;
Keep Track by Observing the Sky
The timing for each prayer is determined based on the position of the Sun in the sky. This is why prayer timings vary from place to place, even if you are traveling within the same country. An authentic hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) goes as follows:
Allah’s Messenger said: “Indeed for (the time of) Salat (there is a) beginning and an end. The beginning of the time for the Zuhr prayer is when the sun passes the zenith, and the end of its time is when the time for Asr enters. The beginning of the time for the Asr [prayer] is when its time enters, and the end of its time is when the sun yellows (turns pale). The beginning of the time of Maghrib is when the sun as set, and the end of its time is when the twilight has vanished (i.e., the horizon is invisible because of darkness). The beginning of the time for Isha, the later one, is when the horizon has vanished, and the end of its time is when the night is at its half. The beginning of the time for Fajr is when Fajr begins, and its end is when the sun rises.” [Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol.1, Book 2, Hadith 151]
It is, however, difficult to tell timings based on the sky unless you are an expert and know what you are looking for. Especially for countries like the UK, where the sky is often overcast, observation may not even be relevant. Nonetheless, telling time in this way is an old tradition that experts are still using.
Inquire from the Local Mosque
This is a good option if you are traveling to a place with a Muslim majority. You may not even have to inquire as you hear the Adhan, the call to prayer, loud and clear. The issue arises where Muslims are not in the majority, like in the UK.
Still, the UK has a sizeable Muslim population, particularly in some areas where Muslims are densely populated. Here, you can find a mosque and ask the imam about the prayer timings so you can remain punctual. Fellow Muslims are also more than willing to help out and give guidance, so feel free to ask.
Install a Prayer Alert Application
This is the simplest option that gives accurate results consistently. Everyone has a smartphone nowadays. You can install a mobile application that provides prayer alerts throughout the day. Since these alerts are based on location, they are automatically synched with the local prayer time. No matter where you are or where you travel, prayer alert applications provide timely reminders to offer prayer.
Many prayer applications come with additional features that can help you offer prayer. These features may include a complete version of the Holy Quran, multiple books of traditions, and important supplications. Applications can also show qibla directions so you can offer prayers anywhere.
You will need to download the application and allow it to access your location to detect where you are. Such applications also need internet access to remain up-to-date.
Shortening or Combining Prayers
Travelers are given leniency when it comes to offering prayers and fasting. Since traveling used to be quite difficult during the time of the Holy Prophet (SAW), exceptions were made by offering Salah and fasting during Ramadan.
Travelers, for example, are allowed to delay keeping fasts during the month of Ramadan until they reach their destination. Similarly, travellers can shorten prayers. Qasr prayers can be offered by those who are traveling a certain distance away from their home. The prescribed distance varies depending upon which school of Islamic jurisprudence you follow, however, allowance for Qasr prayers is present in each school.
Similarly, travellers can combine prayers like praying Dhuhr and Asr and combining Maghrib and Isha, or pray the m successively. Qasr prayers and combining prayers make offering Salah more convenient and assist believers with fulfilling their obligatory duties towards Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) has made Islam easy for us. He is fully aware of human limitations and has added conveniences in the matter of Islam so we can become better Muslims.
Check Online
Another way you can remain punctual in praying while traveling is by checking the timings online. Many websites will give you the exact timings for each prayer for nearly every country and city on earth. Using such resources is straightforward. You simply have to provide your location, and you will get the timings for five daily prayers.
Guidance for Muslim Travelers
Modern advances have made traveling convenient and fast. Compared to recent times, traveling at the time of the Prophet (SAW) was a huge undertaking. Even in the burning heat of the desert, the Prophet (SAW) and his companions (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) never missed their duty towards Allah (SWT).
Muslims have tons of resources they can use to help them remain on the right path. There are no excuses for missing salah or being forgetful of other duties that we have as Muslims.

Regents Park Mosque